Monday, June 7, 2010

Publishers Viewpoint June 2010

Make sure you check out the new extended “Hotels and Lodgings Directory” in the Ontario Construction Report this month. The test has been successful as you can see! In May I had 8 hotels signed up, now I have a full page.

Directories in our papers and in association buyer guides are for the most part a low expense purchase with high potential for return. What separates our “Product and Services” directories in all the papers are the amount of people who will be able to see your listing and some of the online benefits. A traditional association directory ad will cost you $500 and for that the association prints anywhere between 500 and 1000 copies of the Buyers Guide. Your ad is set for the year and can not be changed. The biggest down fall of an association directory is usually the only people who get it are members of the association who you have paid to network with already by paying a membership fee.

Our directories are published monthly and can be updated at anytime if you change your email address, move to a new location or if you wish to expand it. Our circulation gives you more bang for your buck with the GTA paper reaching over 4,000 subscribers each month with the printed edition. If I have not convinced you yet, our online edition reaches well over 50,000 readers each month and by including an email or web address in your directory listing you are only one click away from potential customers. The directories are targeted to professionals to the construction industry giving you a great local and regional audience to draw potential customers from.

In the next few months I will start experimenting with the next leading edge advantage our online editions offer, you the advertiser will be able to subscribe to have a video to play when someone views your directory listing online. I have also started to ad new advertisers to our existing directories with some new targeted marketing pieces with decent results so far.

Are you in our “Products and Service Directories” yet? If you would like to be, email me at or call me 905-228-1151 and mention my Publishers Coloumn and I will give you $100 off of your directory listing and a free front page ad in the Ontario Construction Report. Also check out the online editions of the paper at and go to the “Current Editions” tab to check out the online versions of the directories.

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