Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The hunt for a new driveway....

I have started my quest into the realm of locating a residential paving contractor today to replace my old driveway. Now when I use the term old I am guessing the front portion which is concrete is roughly 30 plus years old (I will find out when it is taken out) and the back portion which is asphalt isat least 20 years old.

The quotes so far differ by $1000 and what is needed.

The first estimate the guy tried to tell me my windows were the same height as the side walk so he would have to put in windows wells at $300 a piece even though there is a 6 inch difference in height/the grade (I measured using my laser level nd a broom handle). He also said I would need 12 inches of gravel for the entire driveway even the section that serves only as a walk way. Now I asked why would he need to put 12 inches in the front where the concrete pad is since there should already be gravel there (The pad is cracked but has not shifted much) and he said they have to dig it out so they can match the stone. I almost snorted trying to contain my laughter. No terms of payment were discussed or when he could get the project done, he simply said call me.

Second estimate was more reasonable and actually listened to what I had to say. He told me I would need 10 inches of gravel and no window wells because there was enough of a grade. When I asked about not needing so muh gravel at the side of my house since it would only be used as a walkway he shaved a $100 off the price. He told me he could get started in 2 weeks.

The third estimate was the best so far for information shared and price. He addressed right off the start the fact that I would not need gravel under the concrete and if there were any uneven areas he could fill it in. He also suggested that for the side of the house since it is only a walkway I could get away with as low as 5 inches of gravel, but he recommends 8 inches. He said they asked for a $200 deposit and that they are booking 5 weeks out currently.

I have two more appointments this week and will review all the quotes and make the final decision. In the past when I have had things to get replaced around the house like the furnance, windows or central air, I always liked to get 4 to 5 quotes and my final decisions did not always go with the least expensive, I looked for the following:

- Knowledge of contractor

- Promptness for being at appointment on time

- Detailed quotes

- References available

- Appearance (Not looking for a super model, but cleanliness and state of vehicle says alot about a persons character).

- Price

I will keep you posted on what I end up doing and who I go with. If they do a good enough job I will offer them a free ads in one our papers.

If you have recently had a new driveway put in, share your story with me. Send me an email at chasemarketing@sympatico.ca

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