Thursday, December 18, 2008

I learned something new today

With the upcoming re-launch of our Washington Construction News paper I checked out what associations we were members of nationally in the United States through our existing publication in North Carolina and found we had membership in three.

They are: Associated Builders and Contractors Inc and American Subcontractors Association. During the re-launch our rep there will be looking to connect to the local associations of the national ones to develop relationships, provide coverage and obviously connect with potential advertisers and feature articles. Will we join these associations, most likely yes but until we build up our brand and relationship using the national membership link is a cost effective way to get in the door. When looking to expand your existing business to new area before putting down several hundred or thousands of dollars using your national membership as a way to meet the local industry leaders is a smart way to test the waters before you commit yourself. If you are going to do any type of marketing in 2009 start with your local associations where you will get an opportunity to network with your potential clients at every function.

The same can be said for Canada as we are looking at several new candidates from Atlantic Canada to British Columbia. National associations we are members of here are Canadian Home Builders Association and Canadian Construction Association.

Check out the logos below of our US national associations we are members of:

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